Discover the opportunities in the City of Coatesville
The Opportunity Zone program was established by the 2017 Federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The community development program is designed to be a market-driven approach to encourage private equity investment in low-income communities. Investors roll over capital gains from other investments into Qualified Opportunity Funds (QOFs), which invest in real estate and/or business equity within Qualified Opportunity Zones (QOZs). Investors in QOFs can defer and eliminate captial gains taxes.
Eligible investments include: real estate (equity interests in real estate development projects - whether commercial, industrial, or residential - and business property and equipment), partnership interest (in existing or startup businesses that operate within a QOZ), and stock ownership (equity interests in a business that derives at least 50% of its income from activity within a QOZ). For additional information on the Coatesville Opportunity Zone, visit http://www.2ndCenturyAlliance.org.